After 2 coats of primer and 6 coats of color and hours and hours of sanding, buffing and polishing I am ready to "Flip" my boat over and start working on the inside and the top deck. I did have many issues with painting and I never did get it as nice as I hoped but it is good enough and I need to start moving forward. The straw that broke the camels back was when I was almost done sanding, just before buffing when I tipped over the halogen light and it fell right on the corner of the chine taking out a big chip in the paint right down to the fiberglass. That is when I yelled, "uncle" and said, make the repair and move forward. I came to grips with the fact that 90% of what I painted will be under water and it still looks pretty darn good.
A friend of mine and fellow boat builder Art Atkinson loaned me two floor jacks and a large oak stairway rail so I could support the boat while I dismantled the Jig that is located under the boat.
The Jig is now removed and the cradle that the boat will sit on once it is flipped over is waiting for the boat. Now all I need to do is get a half dozen guys together and flip this thing. I am hoping this will happen Friday afternoon. 
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