Some of the other things that I have been working on were mounting the battery switch into the rear seat frame, making boxes along side of seats to hide wiring, steering cables, shift control box and of course a place for an afternoon beverage.
I have also built the seat bottoms and backs and started the upholstery project. I really wanted to get the foam seats glued up to them so I could sit on in the seat and feel if the position of each on was correct. I am so glad that I did because when I built the seat frames I thought that everything fit just right with enough room to remove them when I wanted, but I was wrong. The seats did not fit after gluing up the foam pads on the seat bottoms and backs. Ten minutes of trimming saved me major headaches if I had found this out after the fabric was put on them.
Whats next....fairing the top deck, and getting the steering control linkage figured out. Begin the wiring process and having a lot of patience when things don't go just right.